Camp friends

Here at the Glen I’m listening and talking all the time. In and out of class, particularly out of class. They’re the conversations one had at 3 a.m. in college, that shift from mysteries-of-the-universe profound, to profoundly silly, then over into practical problem-solving, and back around again. Except we have them all day… and into […]


It was foolhardy, but since I made it back I’ll talk about it. Foolhardy: I hiked alone; I set out in the afternoon during Santa Fe’s monsoon season; I wore Chuck Taylors (flat-soled, slightly slick). Since I’m here to write this, it all ended well in the end. Besides, I wanted it badly: to move, […]

kid primary

Maybe this time I can start to wrap some (more?) words around this strand I keep tugging at. Yesterday I ran across this article: which includes: Some of the self-esteem dip found among mothers of young children is an inevitable byproduct of taking on something as demanding, and life-altering, as having a child. It […]

Sweetest hangover

One dorm-bed week plus a day of 20,000 steps in 2″ heels and the first real thing I did upon my return was to have a massage. Mind you, my brain was (is) still in Glen-mode. So: 10am Monday, relaxing face-down as the therapist addresses the Gordian knot that is my left shoulder complex. I […]


Psalm 133:2 It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down over the collar of his robes. Today I read a new note from one of my classmates my workshop friends, another generous hearing and sharing. my heart runs over: into my throat, […]


All the workshops are finished. It feels like a stillness inside a storm… or maybe the stillness after the storm has gone. Though we have a concert, another worship, a dance party to come–and I’m about to head out to see some art in town while I wait. In honor of the tension of waiting […]

While the afternoon rainclouds flow over

“Come,” my heart says, “seek his face!” Your face, LORD, do I seek. Do not hide your face from me. –Ps 27:8 Yep, today’s quote is from the psalm recommended for today in my compact book of common prayer. That’s not its real title, but I’m operating from single-sheet photocopies while I’m on the road. […]

Also, not sunburned-?

Today was our “free day,” and mine really was. I walked to town, browsed some galleries, saw some churches (one real, one not-so-real-anymore), ate tasty New Mexican food, drank margaritas (one passable, one gorgeous) saw Georgia O’Keefe’s watercolors from her Canyon TX years walked through the pouring rain in the deep dark to end up […]

A stack of sycamore leaves

One. Three entire days into writer/artist life and my perceptions go slant or too artful for ordinary wear. Like thinking it a good idea to structure this post like this. Two. My alarm woke me in the middle of a spitting rage. I was dreaming, and thought at the time I’d tell the dream but […]

Thunder doesn’t always mean rain

I think I want to say something about the thunder. I first heard it as kettledrums but corrected quickly–the roll is distant enough to smooth itself into a percussionist’s work. It’s still near enough to remind me to be wary; I’m not interested in intimately experiencing lightning. I’m told it’s monsoon season. Storms are to […]