I’m having flashbacks. As the quips say, dejá vu all over again.
I’m falling into last summer. Where I bobbed like a cork in the stream of whatever only to arise in September saying, What the—?!
It’s now Thursday, plenty of time to shift back from vacation-time. Yet:
Writing isn’t actually happening. Tackling my list of the (non-writing) important and increasingly urgent isn’t actually happening. (Except for the online shopping component.) Pointless social media surfing is happening, while I’m internally drumming my fingers trying to figure out how/when to perform my priorities.
Today makes a good example:
- Wake early & eat.
- Mow. Sever headphone cable. Sweep porch.
- Clean up self.
- Pick up van from My Sweetie’s workplace, shifting donate-able packing materials from small car to big car. (We’re back to car-sharing again. B had an appointment.)
- Take boxes etc to campus for colleague.
- Eat early lunch.
- Go to grocery store for tonight’s supplies.
- Get home with supplies; change into exercise clothes.
- Assemble marinade.
- Wash dishes.
Frankly, I’m surprised I’ve managed to squeeze this in before my 1:15pm workout before my 3pm haircut. I likely wouldn’t’ve, except that I sadly composed half of this while driving from school to the store.
There are Girl Scouts I need to converse with. There are essays I’m pretty sure I want to write,
and poems that might show up if only there were a little more quiet/still time. They’re like rabbits, poems. It works better if you’re motionless for a while.
I just realized I forgot to pause-pray this morning.
I didn’t like last summer well enough to do it again.
Besides, I have all last summer’s intended projects to do, as well as the ones for now.
<shakes head>
I wish I knew what to move.