Just another day

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. –James 4:14

Thanks, Leon, for blogging this passage…so I could snag it for my blog!

I was going to also include the Paul McCartney song “Another Day,” but after about halfway the lyrics and tone didn’t fit–so I’m not going to do that. 

I am going to tell you that this is my version  of what Leon suggested for today: a pause to notice the good things God has shared all around. 

Like interesting surgeons, washers and dryers in the home, plenty of yummy leftovers, Baby Greens, Baby C, camping,

my mom (who’s the one getting her eyelids adjusted), and

“Y’know, I forget I was a Girl Scout. Because we didn’t do the things people think of when you say ‘Girl Scout.’ We, we were just a group of really competent people doing interesting things. Girl Scouts was secretly competence boot-camp!”

Secret competence camp. My dark plans succeeded! Off to plant the seeds in another crop of Girl Scout leaders…


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