jeremiah 6:29

The bellows blow fiercely, the lead is consumed by the fire; in vain the refining goes on, for the wicked are not removed. (from the New Standard Revised Version [NRSV]) Nota bene: “The melting point of lead—at 327.5 °C (621.5 °F)—is very low compared to most metals. Its boiling point of 1749 °C (3180 °F) […]


This week’s contemplation — I have still been meditating — has been trying. Trying as in the way toddlers can be; trying as in I remind myself to continue to persist. Sticking with my contemplative phrase has been this week’s especial trial. I feel like I’m sitting on sticker-burrs to be taking the time at […]

my voice in my ears

First it was everything due the week before midterm break. Then it was the bustly week of Dublin travel over break. Then it was everything due the week after midterm break, plus jet-lag, plus my inner exhaustion from having taken no meditation or writing time in Dublin. After that, it’s been… well… what has it […]

perfectly good

It’s All Hallows’ Eve. A few days ago I got to explain to a classmate — he’s from South Africa — “what the big deal is” with Halloween in the US. Fresh from my visit to Dublin, I noted that Anglo-Irish-Scots folk planted on the eastern seaboard from our earliest nation-years have shaped a lot […]

in security

(written for a spiritual formation exercise, APTS, Fall 2018) I’m standing at our worktable, cool air wreathing my ankles. The sliding doors are open; the mild September day is now a chilly evening, and my husband and I are taking advantage. Idly, I hear a first-responder’s siren. We don’t live far from the highway, after […]

familiarity breeds comfort

(submitted to Th.204, APTS, Fall 2018) Our news continues to bring forward stories of the increasing difficulty immigrants of color have in gaining — and sustaining — access to the US. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter might have faded, but is far from forgotten. In media, US inhabitants are steadily confronted with the statistics of our increasing […]

withdrawing stance

I’m still reading The Sacred Enneagram. (You think, “Of course you are; you just picked it up a few days ago.” Au contraire, mon frère; if I hadn’t been behind in Hebrew and felt my History midterm loom, I’d’ve finished it the day I got it. So GOOD.) Yesterday I was reading/not-reading it while preparing […]

my committee is not like your committee

“Okay! So we need a coach for our small group shepherds. Wait. Coach; shepherd. Can you coach shepherds? Is that a thing? How does that work for shepherds; aren’t they pretty isolated out in the fields?”   True conversation. And we steer the Christian education for our folks: is this a good thing? You decide!

tea or cookies?

Hebrew homework is preying on my mind, enough that it bubbled up as the center of an “unprepared” dream also involving kind and gracious military veterans (all men) whom I didn’t know. Yeah, I do need to look that up. So in an effort to write more than yesterday (e.g., nil) but herd myself back […]