
To write is to be in conversation with yourself, to preserve a state of being so you can conclude a sequence of thinking and feeling. The enemy to this process is intrusion. Children, in all of their beauty and wildness and strange genius, are, in the way of a meteorite, an intrusion. — Claudia Dey, […]

social rules of the 1970s

Do not telephone another home before 10am. . Do not knock on the door before 10am either. Their parents are still sleeping. . If you see someone out playing in the street — or in their front yard — before 10am, you may go play (after you tell your parent that’s what you’re doing). . […]

known knowns

The sky is a brilliant slate blue after a thunder-stormy night. Propofol is an interesting anesthetic, in that it wears off quickly (for me, very quickly) except in the ways that it doesn’t. No legal or financial decisions today! I have been pretty sure My Sweetie fed me a diet chock-full of Real Food, and […]

leap or slide

EnneaThought® for the Day Type Five EnneaThought® for December 21st Today, do the opposite of your ordinary personality pattern. As a Five, leap unprepared into something and see what happens. (Personality Types, 173) Does it count if, instead, I slide sideways through my mostly unstructured day, playing Matchington Mansion over multiple sets of five lives? […]

advent hearts for mothers

King of Kings, Most Holy One God the son, eternal one You are my God and helpless son High ruler of mankind Alleluia… —”Christ Child’s Lullaby (Tàladh Chriosda), ” as sung by Kathy Mattea It’s Day Four: After Finals. I (we!) have retrieved a child, traipsed to the hinterlands for the right kind of biscuit […]

fall semester’s OFF the books

With a mere hour and a half to spare, I handed in my last final this afternoon. In my giddiness, I added six possible activities for the few hours before My Sweetie arrives. ** I just looked up after half an hour of joking with my friends via Facebook to notice that the fresh pitcher […]

one way or another

…24 hours from now I’ll get to pack up my ancient Hebrew learning materials. That’s worth something at this point. In February, I’ll be studying Isaiah from the Masoretic Hebrew. With a lexicon by my side! Much more my cuppa than squeezing my brain to regurgitate. I’ll likely be slow as the dickens (Great Expectations […]


I’m liking my writing streak. It’s helping me feel like a people, and giving me a small smile to rely on when, for example, I instead rip through the first chapter of theologian H. Richard Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture in order to set my mind right for an exam question. (I likely could’ve gotten by […]

all God’s people got poems

This is in response to an exam prompt. Usually I wait until after my exam’s been returned to me before posting; however, this is so excruciatingly particular that I’m going to release it before I even hand it in. In deference to my professor, however, you’re going to have to guess the prompt! As a […]

wired for community and meaning

This was always a worry about the American experiment in capitalist liberal democracy. The pace of change, the ethos of individualism, the relentless dehumanization that capitalism abets, the constant moving and disruption, combined with a relatively small government and the absence of official religion, risked the construction of an overly atomized society, where everyone has […]