Not the foolish kind

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds…” —Ralph Waldo Emerson There is a small muscle on the upper left rear of my scalp that is jumping, and a significant portion of my attention is attached to monitoring it. I am staring into space without realizing it for pauses that could be as long […]

Fog of…war?

Eating half-plates is making a dent in lots of things. Including my focus. Since Wednesday, I’ve taken in — and been given — a lot of information, and have a lot of suggested actions. Even at the outset, I tried to pare this down; I know the research about keeping new behaviors in place. (Which, […]

Physics: so straightforward

It’s super-late for me, 11:40pm. And I want to get up promptly in the morning, so I can cascade my Friday activities effectively. But I’m also holding the line on •steps •blogging, which is why I’m here now. There’s a bunch backing up here…my brain is veering off into the challenges of blogging while I’m […]

You know, you can do everything right…

…and even still, sometimes the guy still dies. —Dean, from Supernatural (h/t to one of B’s favorite shows) I am so very, very frustrated. I live with a locavore, home-cooking wizard, who has filled my life with excellent food from the day we met. And who has morphed my Filet-o-Fish-loving tastebuds into something Michael Pollan […]