Interested in participating in a Shepherd of the Hills group for artists? Join the invite-list for 8MM!
(I’m ready to sign up NOW!)
Wait! Am I the right kind of person to join?
By artists, we mean painters, filmmakers, writers, sculptors, musicians, textile artists, photographers… people who make art happen.
Who are “we”? I’m Kimbol, and I’m a poet (in case you hadn’t worked that out 😉 ). My friend Kathy Lewis, a writer, and I each ran across a practice called “8 Minutes Max” – and we really liked it! We hold “8 Minutes Max” with folks connected with Shepherd of the Hills… which is where you come in.
Wait! What’s “8 Minutes Max”?
For 8 minutes (tops), you have the floor to share your work… old or new, one piece or several, “in the flesh” or photos. The group can ask process-type questions and/or share respectful responses to the work(s) you bring.
After 8 minutes, the timekeeper calls a halt, and the next person shares — until we make it all the way around the group. Then we have snacks ;).
8 people participate at any one “8MM” gathering; all participants commit to sharing work. Said another way, there’s no audience here… if you’re listening and observing, you’re also presenting at some point. It’s difficult to describe this “everyone’s in it together” dynamic though, believe me!, I’ve been trying. Perhaps because (like good art?) it’s clearer in the experience than it is in the writeup.
What of my stuff would I bring?
Your “good stuff.” Work that’s finished, your best & brightest, rather than things you know you’re still refining.
I’m sure you’re fun to hang out with, but why should I come?
One of the things that drew both Kathy and me is the opportunity to bring work out into the open and get reactions to it, instead of leaving it in either a closet at home or a slush pile somewhere else. Another: since this a group of Christ-followers, it’s simpler to share sacred as well as secular work here than perhaps in other places. Another? It acts as a deadline, which can be helpful (!).
Just 8 minutes. Max. To share your stuff with others.
Add your email address to the list, and you’ll get a message with all the details when it’s time to sign up… the first 8 replies in the gate participate. Though you also can be on the waitlist, in case the lineup shifts.
Can’t make it when the email comes out? You’ll get the next email! We aim to hold these once a quarter.
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