wishing for mortar

So My Sweetie has retired from daily work-for-hire, and is now sifting through what — as far as I can tell — drifted up into the weekend-time for the past twenty-five-some, forty-some, years… deciding what he will tackle, and what he’ll tackle first, while he watches me. As I, too, shift gears. In August I […]

systems thinker

When I say I inadvertently think in systems, here’s one of the things I mean: Monday I went walking ‘round a crushed granite trail with a friend. It was raining. In the moment, that was fine, even amusing… It was only when I stepped up our sidewalk and heard, “grunch, grunch, grunch,” that my brain […]


poetry agency-experiences (that is, teaching) connecting with God standing on (as?) a bridge between people and the divine academia: reading, writing, talking about reading & writing, writing some more… letting time flow as itself, not hurrying it (or grinding into stasis) listening well with people knowing across my four dimensions of knowing learning to hold […]

stack of books

“I know this is really weird, but when I was packing to come here I gathered up this huge stack of books…” First: no. This is not really weird, at least among this community of people. This is really common — or at least is one of the chief usual approaches. We are at Laity […]

most frivolous voice

[Warning: this is longer than many of my posts.] My world is now post-pandemic. Not post- in the sense of “pandemic all gone”; I suspect that’s Not A Thing for the next few years as we shuttle from steady loss of life in unvaccinated/less-vaccinated locations (like (sadly) the majority-world) to loss of life and risk-of-non-fatal […]

where does my heart live?

I’ve come around again to taking more steps in the day — the literal moving-feet kind. I’m impressively sedentary, so I have to intend if I’m not going to stay at rest, and as a biological entity a body at rest dissolves into decay (so I hear). ANYway. Long after everyone else had ‘gone’ to […]

it’s a solid education

Did I tell you I have a summer job? Only sort of, right. Well, it’s a Jill-of-all-academia job — and the first component of it is to continue the editorial assistant work I took on last August. Copy-editing, mostly… trueing each article up to the Horizons in Biblical Theology style guide, which is 90% the […]

how do you care well for someone you love?

I’ve briefly mentioned my hospice internship this past (spring) semester — I learned so much, and even offered good care to people (patients, families) who were undergoing profound stress. It was also a very busy time for me; only in my third (final) month did I realize it consumed 50% more time than did my […]

double-edged expanse

I brushed my teeth at 10am today. I arose from bed at 7:30am. So there was time to (in not-their-order): read all the parts of the newspaper I cared to; have breakfast; fold and put away the towels; consider the rose-petals floating in a bowl on the coffee table and decide they could become potpourri […]

i always take the toll road

Hello, everyone! This semester (Jan 2021 – Apr 2021 which is now) has been the most time-intensive stretch in my whole MDiv journey, and one of the more crunched times across my adult life. Which is why I haven’t blogged since Dec 2020… I haven’t had enough spare brain cells to make sentences out of […]