From Being an Artist and a Mother

Ever since I got pregnant, I’ve been on a mission to record the fleeting growth and change of becoming a mother, as a retroactive message to my art-school self that says, “You don’t disappear!” I can’t say it’s being a prolific week for me anyway. But this hit me like a sucker punch—any of […]

generous and sweet, or vice-versa

The threads in my Facebook on “OMG, less than a week ’till Glen Workshop,” and “Who’s going to be there this year?” and “Are we going to that place with the margaritas again, or the craft cocktail place, or both?” have started to crowd out my usual threads. I find it delicious that, on merely […]


Week ago Saturday, I arrived home in the evening after a full day of Girl Scout adult enrichment. First, My Sweetie checked to be sure I’d eaten dinner—absolutely: I can get from Killeen to Round Rock without my supper, but not all the way to Oak Hill-!—then assessed my lunch choices, and the learnings of […]

games poets play

There’s one more week until I dive into the Glen Workshop. One of my Glen-friends, with littles who do not come to Glen, has (I believe) begun an hour-by-hour countdown tracker. I’m beginning to fizz, myself… …and solidly daunted by All The Things I Planned to Finish Before Glen. It seemed so much more reasonable […]

care and feeding of the quantified self

So yeah, I could have chosen differently when I scooted back from the massage. (Besides the parts where I put on people-clothes and arranged a date with My Sweetie-!) I could have settled in to write something of import or depth. But at 4:45pm on a Friday afternoon, I instead chose to click on the […]

steering the craft / u. k. leguin

I have led a day of outwardly-directed, list-clearing virtue: I exercised, ran my first tutorial (orientation) for a webmistress to replace me on our synod Presbyterian Women website, lunched at a new restaurant with my TWO lovely daughters—A is spending her vacation/long weekend with us—got acupunctured, spent more-but-fruitful time chasing the difficulties my file restoration […]

humans are not journalists

The yard had to be mowed again this morning. We’ve arrived at Peak Grass, without the balancing effects of Peak Heat, so the blades double in size every week. When it gets hotter, the grass will slow down (just like people!), but we’re not there yet. So after I finished my swim (thanks, Coach Paul!) […]


Some of the folks who are providing references for grad school for me shared what they sent the admissions committee. This is humbling and glorious—it’s seldom one can discover how one seems to other people. Asking them point-blank never seems to yield results; I’ve tried on multiple occasions. At this stage in the game that […]

the convalescent is improving

Many files have arrived from ARTHUR’s still-running disk. But the ones from end of May through July 10 are still to come. On the other hand, most of the applications have been installed anew. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll get to try something less consuming. Or differently consuming-!