relational or differential economics

To begin with, unlike the sale of a commodity, the giving of a gift tends to establish a relationship between the parties involved.* * It is this element of relationship which leads me to speak of gift exchange as an “erotic” commerce, opposing eros (the principle of attraction, union, involvement which binds together) to logos […]

what i like about you

As I turned into the school parking lot—well, turned into the residential half of campus, heading toward the commuter parking in the heart, by the creek—I snaked down to my preferred spot with this blaring through the closed windows of my car. I would’ve rolled down the windows and cranked the volume louder, but somehow […]

busy brain, two-minute rule, and prayer

On this proper Monday morning, I check the time before I need to leave for the gym. There’s time to copy my portion (3 Bible verses) and pray my daily prayers. Oh, and I’ll need a water-bottle at the gym. Oh, the towel draped over the dining chair is dry; it and the others need […]

bridge between chaos and order

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was […]

The Candle Indoors / Gerard Manley Hopkins

Some candle clear burns somewhere I come by. I muse at how its being puts blissful back With yellowy moisture mild night’s blear-all black, Or to-fro tender trambeams truckle at the eye. By that window what task what fingers ply, I plod wondering, a-wanting, just for lack Of answer the eagerer a-wanting Jessy or Jack […]

calculating expenditure

It’s now past 8pm. Before 8am, I was mulling this topic… not simply for blogging purposes, but because this new term is calling for it. You’re thinking: she started grad school. That’s got some fiscal implications; makes sense she would be thinking through… well, economies, perhaps. Bringing her lunches, buying fewer new clothes, suchlike. In […]

on the eve of seminary matriculation

The youngest child present who can read sings this song questioning four things different about the night of the seder from all other nights. Mah nish-ta-na ha-laylah ha-zeh mikol ha-lei-lot? mikol ha-lei lot? Ha-laylah hazeh Ha-laylah hazeh mikol ha-lei lot, mikol ha-lei lot? Why is this night of Passover different from all other nights of […]

the opposite of eye-twinkles

…we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye… —1 Corinthians 15:52, misquoted because out of context I woke at not-quite-five this morning with this rippling through my head. I didn’t sleep well—or certainly didn’t fall enough back to sleep after then to feel rested when I gave up at […]

shouldn’t I have all of this?

(Long day redux. At least it was a quiet evening with My Sweetie and B.) I heard Mary Chapin Carpenter singing Lucinda Williams’ song this morning: Is it too much to ask? I want a comfortable bed that won’t hurt my back Food to fill me up And warm clothes and all that stuff Shouldn’t […]

it’s -not- what I did on my summer vacation

(We had to contribute a writing sample as part of today’s orientation activities. I figured I might as well share it with you, since heaven knows when I’ll have breathing room again today-!) In the course of one’s life, there are times of great joy and abundance, and times of great loss. Describe how one […]