5 goes to 7 in stress

An inner pattern for people who collect within Enneagram 5 is to set (push?) direct experience away so they can reflect on it quietly. Like writing blog posts in their heads about what they’re doing. Or not-doing. In quiet, I narrate my life like it’s a documentary… which is not, as far as I’ve discerned, […]

meat puppet

(the tool just ate my prior 300 words. we’ll see whether I can do this again.) I didn’t use to give attention to this. I’ve known that the brain and the body support each other—viz. sleep has always been my non-negotiable—but like most US folk I know, I barrelled along as if they were loosely […]

The Cross and the Lynching Tree / James H. Cone

So I’m tagging along behind, running some and walking fast and breathing hard as I try to get caught up again with my readings for class. (One book was due Friday; one and some is due on Tuesday.) Which means I couldn’t justify to myself the time to write out one of the handful of […]

on special-ness

Well, look at what we found stuck between the WordPress sofa cushions, splashed with coffee and cracker crumbs?! The original (theoretical) posting date for this was January 23, 2018. When I was still piecemeal-ing. Have fun contrasting what you know now with what I knew then. And notwithstanding your amusement, mind the moral! Another term […]

on clarity

Hope y’all found something to chew on as you saw what I’ve been doing in class— I learned as a young Girl Scout that an activity in one arena can frequently bear fruit in another… it’s not double-dipping unless you use it twice in the same space. <smiles> As I settle in to draft my […]

know what you believe: vocation

Assignment 1,BI.233 “The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Ministry,”January 2019 Describe your understanding of Christian vocation and ministry (one page, single-spaced). As is no doubt unsurprising, my understanding of Christian vocation and ministry is deeply shaped by the polity and mores of the Presbyterian Church (now P.C.U.S.A.). Chapter Two of the Book of Order’s “Form […]


I woke at 6:30am this Saturday. Last night I kept to my cadence and sketched out the weekend’s tasks — a combination of house-manage and scholarship; that a-week-a-day class schedule waits for no weekend — and yet at about 10am I was adding more than half-again as many items, all of them submerged time-sensitive to-dos […]

know what you believe: the Bible

Assignment 1, BI.233 “The Bible and the Hermeneutics of Ministry,” January 2019 Describe your beliefs about the Bible (one page, single-spaced). When I hold myself still and think back on my beliefs about the Bible, I can see that I’ve been startlingly consistent. I’ve been reading since before I can remember, and I remember reading […]


In business- or management-speak, and FTE (“full-time equivalent”) is a way to map the work/effort that needs to happen onto person-sized units. If a project is going to require two FTEs (yeah, a tiny project!), one then could put two people to work on it, or four half-time folk, or, or. There are some nuances […]

warp of 2019

I’d thought my work-blocks would play themselves out differently, and I would write-write today. Still, we’re mostly level-set after camping for four days, I’ve brain-dumped over 25 action items, and I’ve finally been able to start stringing my warp for the loom of 2019. I hadn’t even gotten our kitchen calendar up! ** Originally, and […]