sermons from contemplatives

I can see I’m going to get a lot of practice thinking in sermons. This term, my Hebrew exegesis syllabus states we are to hand in three sermon points for each translation we are assigned. In theory, we get to do this after benefit of our class discussion, but in real life I suspect I’ll […]

more than logic

Prompt from Seminary of the Southwest’s T4325, “Theopoetics: Theory and Practice”:What passage or idea from this week’s readings made your heart sing? “I circled back right back to where I had begun, to the question of beauty. Back to the questions that science does not ask, not because they aren’t important, but because science as a way of […]

under construction

Back when the World Wide Web was young, it was popular to include, front and center on one’s site or page, a graphic that looked like a yellow road sign of a stick-person digging. (Sometimes these would be –gasp!– animated.) Below would be the caption, “This page (or site) is under construction.” Even back then […]

jesus was right about the door

But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret… (Matthew 6:6) Yeah, the passage itself is about owning where you’re seeking your prayer’s reward—are you looking to God, or the crowd?—but it came to my mind for a totally different reason: When I […]

winsome and ferocious

My A offered this to me sometime during her high school years; it’s been hanging above my desk ever since. I think it encapsulates the way she was feeling then (forever angry), the way she approaches the world (with a wry sense of humor), and the essential winsomeness she’s never been able to shake, even […]

scriptural reification is idolatrous

Reification is a complex idea for when you treat something immaterial — like happiness, fear, or evil — as a material thing. This can be a way of making something concrete and easier to understand, like how a wedding ring is the reification of a couple’s love. However, reification is often considered a sign that […]

interrogate the moment

sure, you didn’t get enough sleep again. yes, it was nice that the hormone dose smoothed out the sleep you got, but I get it: still sleepy. we know you’ve had your morning session of iPhone solitaire. and here, back at the table with hot coffee: there’s Jeremiah to transcribe | meditation to consign silence […]

for occupancy, 1-1 with utilities

We have a tenant. A Western Screech Owl, I believe; not a very big creature, but pleased enough to have taken up residence. The local carpenter who made the house (a 2017 Christmas gift for My Sweetie) noted that there needed to be water nearby. Fresh water. And what about mosquitoes? I asked. Eh, if […]

words to live by

Everything in your closet, or dresser, should be ready to wear.—a source that I can’t now recall While turning and pairing clean socks, I remembered reading this as a teen, in one of the several books I studied on fashion and style. Yes, I taught myself nearly everything from the printed word, though in hindsight […]