
(written March 11, 2020)As I became a flirtatious teenager, I began referring to myself as decorative, reciting: Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin… Matthew 6:28b, NKJV It was meant to be backspin on an array of things, all at once. On a stereotype of women as decorative, […]

weeds are unwanted

I’m experimenting this week. Not only with being more routine in my devotional routine — that’s an easy Lenten move, and besides, I do that every week — but with ten different minutes of silence. So to recap: there’s the reading three poems that I added in front, the fourish verses of Scripture copied, the […]

selected works

I still haven’t heard Christian Wiman in person. My friend and colleague Travis, who helms LOGOS Poetry Collective here in town, had… what’s the phrase, secured? Wiman to read at the February event. Scheduled for Thurs 27th, last week. I’ve been leaning forward toward this since it was a strong gleam in Travis’ eye so […]

de familial ize

One of our required classes at school is “introduction to [the theology of] mission and evangelism.” My attitudes about this topic are many, varied, and contradictory… for me, it sweetens the deal to explicitly point out the “theology” part because, well, it’s only twelve weeks. Can’t do much in this arena in twelve weeks. ** […]

rest full

A week ago Tuesday, I bopped through my day, FaceTime-met someone for my new phase of work, wrapped up some loose ends around the house, got elbows-deep in a project that’d been on my list for months (which itself was only one installment in one that’s been on my mind for even longer)… …got to […]

aquifer mind in the deluge

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting with a counselor, sketching my December and January-to-date. I was, in part, shaking my head about how much TIME it took… to be ill, to recuperate, to regain my energy. As I thought out loud about those three timeframes — those last two were indeed separate! — […]

hashtag mom4lyfe

Now that I’m more than a month past “extension granted,” and five days beyond the formal end of that extension*, I’m noticing a handful of things. That illness took over two weeks, right? From before Thanksgiving into the second week of December? Recuperation took about the same amount of time. Which became this struggle of: […]

rabbit trail or intervention?

It’s the first work-Monday of 2020, and I had work intentions. Moving slowly toward them, sure, but it was 8:45a, and I could get in an hour or so before The Next Thing. I fixed my second cup of coffee, to drink while writing my Bible verses. I put spoons in the dishwasher, glanced at […]


For the first time I can recall in my higher ed career, I have an extension for my semester. (I don’t count the one from summer freshling year; I took that one to be polite to my instructor.) See, at the start of Thanksgiving week I came down with Something — all we can affirm […]

respect, deference

So about a year ago I had a school assignment where I was to interview someone from a non-Christian faith tradition. One of my good friends (also in the class!) in one of her previous (work-)lives served with an interfaith organization, and offered to broker a connection with one of her former colleagues. Sign me […]